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Re: LSP Server for CHICKEN (and more ...)

From: Ricardo G. Herdt
Subject: Re: LSP Server for CHICKEN (and more ...)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 11:59:59 +0000

Hi Mario,

Am 11.06.2022 17:18 schrieb Mario Domenech Goulart:
can help.

With your hint and wasamasa's help I figured out how to solve it, thank you both. The problem is that chicken-doc doesn't find a repo in the created environment. Even though I don't use chicken-doc in my tests, it caused salmonella to fail.

I solved this by adding a bash script that, when running salmonella, creates the needed <salmonella_tmp_dir>/repo/share/chicken-doc/.chicken-doc-repo dummy file. The script is called by a 'generated-source-file' component I added to the egg definition.

@Mario: can you please add the egg to the coup?

Best regards,


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