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Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers

From: siiky
Subject: Re: New egg: CHICKEN Transducers
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2023 18:45:35 +0000


This wouldn't work very well with the current API in Scheme, because the fold is passed to transduce explicitly.  And given that, either a restriction must be imposed on the input data structures (they must all be of the same type); or the folder of each input data structure must be given. If the latter something like this would be kinda awkward (though not impossible, I guess):

    list-fold vector-fold
    (map *)
    lst vec)

And accepting the optional sentinel with this new API would also be awkward to implement[^1]...

[^1]: This can be easily remied if the sentinel is given to the collect instead of the transduce, in which case the current def of transduce is a single case-lambda case instead of two:

(transduce fold (map *) (collect 'sentinel-value) data)

I was "forced" to procrastinate yesterday by this incredible force... ^^'

I've been thinking for the past couple of days about this and couldn't come up with any way to make a generic "zip" work with transducers other than (a) rewriting the basic algorithm of the egg (which is simple and I prefer that way), or (b) introducing the concept of an "iterator" (which is, I think, how Rust does it, and is equivalent to C++ Ranges (cf. "Functional Programming in C++", Ivan Čukić)). The problem is that type-fold does all the work from start to finish and can't be "suspended" to look to the side for a second.

Because (a) goes against extending this egg, replacing its implementation instead, and because it's a lot more work than (and not as obvious as) (b), I went with (b).

An iterator is some object that keeps internal state about a collection and how to access it, that can be used to incrementally[^0] traverse this collection's elements in some (iterator-defined) order. Just like streams![^1] So after a few hours hacking at it, it's as simple as this:

  (map (cute apply * <>))
  (iterator-zip (list->iterator '(0 1 2 3 4))
                (vector->iterator #(5 6 7 8 9))
                (range->iterator 5)))

;=> (0 6 28 72 144)

By implementing iterator-fold and the type->iterator functions everything works OOB with the transducers egg. With some small changes to the egg[0] (especially [1]), it can be improved (IMO) to this:

  (zipped-iterator-fold list->iterator vector->iterator range->iterator)
  (map (cute apply * <>))
  '(0 1 2 3 4) #(5 6 7 8 9) 5)

This small PoC can be found at [2] (just a bunch of SRFI 41 renames[^2]). The pros/cons of this approach, the way I see it, are:

A new iterator-fold is needed to use the transducers egg with iterators. However, if you don't want/need iterators, you don't have to implement type->iterator for your data type(s), just use type-fold and there's no performance penalty (IIRC the main selling point of one of the generators SRFI was performance compared with streams?). OTOH if you do want/need iterators, you have to implement type->iterator too (I say "too" but one doesn't strictly need both type-fold and type->iterator).

Nevertheless, from my understanding, using transducers on streams should still be better performance-wise than composing stream-map/filter/...

[^0]: it can be started/stopped at will

[^1]: I also realized why using lists as the intermediate sequence type is not such a big problem in Haskell and other lazy-by-default languages: they're actually streams!

[^2]: I also experimented with a hand-written stream-like type. Maybe it's possible to do better than streams but I dropped it for now.

[1]: [2]:

PS: great work on the docs, Jeremy, they look very comprehensive!


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