I have a program that uses SRFI-19. It works fine when compiled on macOS using CHICKEN from brew. However, when I compile it on Fedora 36 x86_64, when run it issues the following errpr"
Error: (file-exists?) system error while trying to access file: "/usr/share/chicken/srfi-29-bundles/en/us/utf-8/srfi-19"
Call history:
utf8-case-map.scm:50: utf8-lolevel#write-utf8-char
utf8-case-map.scm:224: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:222: utf8-lolevel#read-utf8-char
utf8-case-map.scm:223: char-downcase-locale
utf8-case-map.scm:215: char-downcase*
utf8-case-map.scm:143: char-map-multi-case
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:117: loop
utf8-case-map.scm:144: char-downcase-single
utf8-case-map.scm:50: utf8-lolevel#write-utf8-char
utf8-case-map.scm:224: loop <--
When I look, the file /usr/share/chicken/srfi-29-bundles/en/us/utf-8/srfi-19 does not exist. Indeed, the directory /usr/share/chicken/srfi-29-bundles/en/us/utf-8 does not exist. Instead, it's at /usr/share/chicken/srfi-29-bundles/en/srfi-19. (Which is where the egg's
srfi-19.install.sh installs it.) And it is in the same place on macOS, but I do not get this error there.
Any ideas?