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Re: Building the native libraries

From: Brian Jones
Subject: Re: Building the native libraries
Date: 05 Jul 2001 17:16:42 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.7

Patrick Doyle <address@hidden> writes:

> On 4 Jul 2001, Brian Jones wrote:
> > The native libraries are built as a normal part of 'make'.
> Ok.  I did the things you said, and I'm getting errors with the javah
> commands.  I have attached some of them below.  Perhaps my classpath is
> wrong?

Lately I've been using gcjh for generating proper native headers.  The
option --with-javah=gcjh to configure takes care of that assuming you
have it installed.

> Also, I'm indifferent about the AWT.  Is there a way to remove the AWT
> classes from the build process and just make the rest of the native
> libraries?  Is it likely that the others would compile without these
> errors?

It's likely.  Modify lib/standard.omit to get rid of all awt java code
and modify native/jni/ as needed to remove the 'awt' subdir
plus any other native libs you don't want to build.

I really need to do what Kaffe does here and make this a configure
option.  It's not as hard as I once thought.

> Another idea: is there somewhere I can download the whole set of pre-built
> .so files?

Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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