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Re: Announcement: Javadoc drop-in replacement

From: Nic Ferrier
Subject: Re: Announcement: Javadoc drop-in replacement
Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2001 05:07:04 +0100

>>> Tom Tromey <address@hidden> 06-Jul-01 5:22:04 AM >>>
>>>>> "Julian" == Julian Scheid <address@hidden> writes:

   Has anybody talked to you about the paperwork 
   you'd need to sign for the FSF?  In general the FSF 
   wants ownership of the copyright of programs included 
   in its packages.

I talked to Julian a month or two ago about making his TexiDoclet
part of the Classpathx project. Classpathx does not require (c)
assignment but is still an *official* GNU project.

Of course, javadoc fits better into the GCC or Classpath projects
because it's a core part of the tool suite and not really an

But if Julian wants to retain (c) and contribute to GNU I'm happy to
help him with a classpathx account.

Nic Ferrier

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