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Re: Informative throws

From: Tom Tromey
Subject: Re: Informative throws
Date: 26 Jul 2001 12:23:27 -0600

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Blake <address@hidden> writes:

Eric> I just had an idea for another configure option.  For efficiency
Eric> sake, when Classpath throws an exception, the no-arg constructor
Eric> results in fewer bytes (both in the constant pool and in the
Eric> executable code) and more speed (no string concatenation or
Eric> intern()ing).

I think that allowing this as a configuration option is desirable.  It
is the first of many things we can do to let the user build a stripped
down class library.

Eric> Then, in places like Integer.decode() (which, by the way, is
Eric> buggy at the moment)

What is wrong with Integer.decode?

BTW I'm not ignoring your other Integer patch.  I will address it as
soon as possible -- either tonight or tomorrow morning.  I apologize
for introducing the problem in the first place.

Eric>     if (str == null || (len = str.length()) == 0)
Eric>       if (Configuration.EXCEPTION_MESSAGES)
Eric>         throw new NumberFormatException("string null or empty");
Eric>       else
Eric>         throw new NumberFormatException();

My concerns with this approach are maintainability and readability.  I
wish it were easily possible to do this via some sort of preprocessing

Perhaps we could do it by looking for:
    throw new [A-Za-z]+(Exception|Error)
and then removing the argument.
This could be done if our coding standard mandated how these
expressions were to be written.
That might affect readability too, though.


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