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Re: Re (2): testing before a release

From: Brian Jones
Subject: Re: Re (2): testing before a release
Date: 07 Nov 2001 19:32:28 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.0803 (Gnus v5.8.3) Emacs/20.7

address@hidden writes:

> > I have serious reserves on an interpretation of the GPL that would say that 
> > it 
> > is ok to run a graphical proprietary application over a GPL'ed AWT.  I also 
> > have 
> > the concern that the GPL on the AWT would impose itself on the underlying 
> > VM, 
> > which in turn would impose the GPL on linked JNI modules.  This would 
> > invalidate 
> > my VM's exception for linking proprietary JNI code (and running proprietary 
> > applications).  It's your choice: you're the copyright holders, but nobody 
> > has 
> > to use your code and help you improve it, either.
> This sounds very scary to me! If it would be the case, I should seriously
> reconsider which libraries to use with my VM, as I'm not 100% sure yet that
> I can release it with the GPL (the legal dept. of our university
> has to say the last word)
> Can anybody prove or reject this assertion?

The license modification is only for java.awt.*, and then only until
(I hope) the problem is resolved via the gcc steering committee.  

As the AWT doesn't really work at the moment so I don't think this
license should bother you because you wouldn't use that code anyway.

Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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