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did cvs add/commit for java.nio and javax.swing

From: R.S. Veldema
Subject: did cvs add/commit for java.nio and javax.swing
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:02:53 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.7+) Gecko/20020123

I added my embryonic javax.swing implementation to classpath's cvs.
   - haven't patched any makefiles etc so it does not build
       (and thus it should not be in the way of anyone either !)
   - no comments anywhere yet, so no javadoc either
- embryonic (does give a window with a jbutton etc inside it with my compiler
      and kaffe's awt).
Does not look like sun's swing (plaf implementation not complete yet)
   - text editing component is not finished

Also added java.nio.*.
       - haven't patched any makefiles etc so it does not build
       - haven't added the native side yet to classpath's cvs.
           (i still need to figure out how you guys did automake/conf/etc, native side handling to allow java.nio.SocketChannel to work properly)
       - needs jvm support for efficiency
(jit's needs to test if a nio method is called and then inline some code, otherwise
           each get-byte will go through the jni layers I did)
Ps, still busy trying to get this thing to build __at all__

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