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From: John Leuner
Subject: Re:
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 16:28:52 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

> > 1. The spec requires GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC; Classpath inherits the
> > field from a package-private interface.
> This is binary compatible (if the constant is the same), but might be
> nice to move (or duplicate) the constant to the correct place for
> reflection compatibility.
> > 
> > 2. According to the spec, there should not be a GZIPOutputStream.GZIP_MAGIC.
> This is not binary compatible.  Classpath should not have public fields
> where the JDK does not, because it could lead to name conflicts in user
> code.
> > 
> > 3. According to the spec, there should not be a FTEXT anywhere.
> In the interface, it is a problem, because it is public.  But if you
> move FTEXT out of the interface, and make it package-private or private,
> then it is just fine.  The only things we need to match with the JDK are
> protected and public APIs, and serialization.  Besides, having internal
> constants is often a good idea, to avoid the "magic number" syndrome.
> > 
> > Are any of these non-conformant?
> > 

Sascha, would you like to fix these?

John Leuner

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