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Re: Jikes RVM & mauve tests

From: Brian Jones
Subject: Re: Jikes RVM & mauve tests
Date: 31 Jan 2003 22:34:53 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Eric Blake <address@hidden> writes:

> I stand by the Classpath version of Character.  I updated it to
> correctly obey the same Unicode version as JDK 1.4, and verified
> everything against the JDK.  However, I never found the time to go and
> fix Mauve to do the same.  So the Mauve tests for Character are
> currently broken.
> Back in Feb 02 or so, I posted a patch to gcj to "merge" as much of
> Character and String as possible between Classpath and libgcj, but it
> was never applied (back in the 3.1 days), so I would practically have
> to start the merge again to catch everything that has happened in both
> trees in the meantime.

I've checked and it's been touched a few times to add or remove
methods, mostly by Mark.  Hopefully none of those were impropoer
gcj/classpath merges as you noted back in April last year.

Brian Jones <address@hidden>

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