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Re: Supporting multiple APIs simultaneously

From: Dalibor Topic
Subject: Re: Supporting multiple APIs simultaneously
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 2004 17:38:54 +0200
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Andrew John Hughes wrote:
On Fri, 2004-07-02 at 14:10, Dalibor Topic wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Well, my suggestion would be that the branches are more for the benefit
of users rather than developers.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but the
japitools comparisons suggest that 1.1 is just about supported.  This
would seem to be a solid base to give to those who want something to
work with, at least for the time being, as a Java replacement without
having to wonder about holes.  As far as developers go, I would expect
focus to mainly stay on 1.4 as it is now, with appropriate patches that
also cover 1.1 being added there.  However, if you think that would be
too much effort, then I can see your point to an extent.  I do think
there is something to be said for giving users something more stable
though, rather than the kind of random implementation guarantees we give

Japitools only says which APIs can be compiled against, it says nothing about the spec-adherence of the implementation (the dreaded FIXMEs! ;).

There are no guarantees because noone stepped up to the plate to provide them. If you want to be the one, great! If you feel that you can pull off making Classpath implement the remaining bits for 1.1, and closing the holes, more power to you. Just keep the patches, mauve tests, and so on flowing in, and everyone will be happy.

dalibor topic

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