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Re: A query on the classloader architecture

From: Archie Cobbs
Subject: Re: A query on the classloader architecture
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 09:08:07 -0500 (CDT)

Chris Gray wrote:
> > So.. (I hope this doesn't sound like an annoying question) what is the
> > point of creating your "Java bootstrap classloader" ? Why not just let
> > your primoridal native code class loader fill this role as well? Is all
> > you're trying to do is prevent getClassLoader() from ever returning null?
> Some of us just like programming in Java. So the C classloader is as kept 
> very 
> simple - for example it only looks in one file - while the Java bootstrap 
> class loader can be more complex. If we wanted for example to store only the 
> bare minimum (20 or so classes) on the device and load the rest using tftp, 
> all the code to do that would be in the Java part.

Thanks.. that makes sense.


Archie Cobbs      *        CTO, Awarix        *

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