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benchmarks (was Re: Progress on a Classpath mauve suite?)

From: Chris Pickett
Subject: benchmarks (was Re: Progress on a Classpath mauve suite?)
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 18:29:32 -0500
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20050116)

Hi David,

That's a non-free license.

This is generally what's accepted to define free software:

Maybe we need a replacement for DaCapo as well. Thanks for the suggestion though, it's always nice to know about new benchmark suites from an academic perspective (I still use SPECjvm98 actively, so I may as well look into DaCapo at some point). It's somewhat surprising, I think at least some of those component programs are actually free (this may be the case for SPEC too, but I'm not sure).

We also have an AspectJ benchmark suite at:

but I don't know if any free VM is actually capable of running this code (still, that means it's a good suite, right?). SableVM users certainly had problems with AspectJ in the optimizing compiler class I'm the TA for. I'd be interested in hearing from other VM developers if they can run it.

Then there's Ashes, from Sable as well, but it's somewhat older. This should be freely redistributable.

There's the JOlden set of benchmarks, often used as a good small example for harder problems like pointer analysis, but there doesn't appear to be any license for them, i.e. just copyright applies (we may try to get that cleared up though).

Then there's the Java Grande Forum Suite, but I don't think it's free either (still, it can break our VM at the commandline so it's a good test).


David P Grove wrote:

It depends on what your definition of free is, but you night want to checkout the DaCapo benchmarks ( The main obligation of the license is that if you use the benchmarks you need to cite them correctly and report the version number of the benchmark suite.

These also have the advantage of almost all running on Jikes RVM + classpath (the exceptions are due to incomplete AWT support in classpath).



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