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[Cron-bug] Why be an average guy any longer
Jamal Marshall
[Cron-bug] Why be an average guy any longer
Sun, 13 Aug 2006 08:04:52 -0060
Hey bro! Nice talking to you the other day!
Thought you would want to check this out, I got some for myself cause they were on sale, you should check out the site, I added the link below.
Steel P@ñaddress@hidden:
10 address@hidden reg $79.95 Now $49.95 ! Fri: shipping t00!
S!lver address@hidden@ge:
25 address@hidden(hes reg $129.95, N0w $99.95! Fri: shipping & fri: exercise address@hidden included!
G01d address@hidden:
40 address@hidden reg $189.95, Now $149.95! Fri: shipping & free exercise address@hidden inc1uded!
Platinum address@hidden:
65 address@hidden $259.95, Now $199.95! Fri: shipping & free exercise address@hidden include (Best address@hidden)
I kn0vv l!ke 10 guys wh0 have already st0(ked up on these. Here's the link to (heck out br0 L|NK
Talk to you soon!
T0 $top g0
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[Cron-bug] Why be an average guy any longer
Jamal Marshall
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