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[Dcciv-dev] defense mechanism derivative

From: Susanna Kennedy
Subject: [Dcciv-dev] defense mechanism derivative
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 15:03:37 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

Venture capitalists invested millions.
In order for my sweet dear husband to be able to eat one cookie - just one - I have to bake one for every member of his platoon, plus an extra few for the drill sergeant.
If the company continues on this path, it will surely make clustered storage more popular in the enterprise. Figure out what's on mama's honeydo list and figure out a way to get one done. How about this for a practical application: an island where IT administrators and their clueless users trade places. I imagine using it to accelerate memory management or forensic analysis of a partially erased disk. I'm lucky, most of the items on my list are being done for me, especially since I'm bedridden without a husband in town. So what to make for all these babies and mamas and other good people?
As a quick recap, OneFS is a distributed file system that runs on multiple nodes of proprietary hardware, connected via iSCSI links to their hosts and interconnected via iSCSI or InfiniBand. Today that list got expanded by one when I received a birth announcement from one of my husband's best buddies in Chicago!
Not in the slightest.
Every time she came, she'd look at what I'd added and start in on the list, picking up other tasks along the way.
It would be cool if someone would come over with a new baby book for the little one and help me set up my supplies so I could start writing my thoughts and pasting in photos.
I need my shop-vac to be cleaned out so it sucks better.
If it's too much for you to make on your own, try locating a restaurant like Old Wives' Tales and enlist the chefs to help your cause. For example, a company named Ten Square tried to buy access to every gas pump in America to resell services, such as discount coupons for Starbucks coffee.
Bulbs need to be planted? But with one mama and a toddler who only eats bars, peanut butter toast, hamburgers, sausage, yogurt and fruit - much of it will go to waste.
I suppose, in the end, it's worth it. But my jealousy of my baked goods - my hours of work, butter and love - was incessant.
But with one mama and a toddler who only eats bars, peanut butter toast, hamburgers, sausage, yogurt and fruit - much of it will go to waste. A contrived example would involve iterating through a huge array of price data, applying a fixed markup or discount.
I love to knit, and all, but that's just a bit further than I'm willing to go. A conventional NAS system would probably be the best fit for those requirements. For example, OneFS can survive the simultaneous failure of as many as four nodes, and provide exceptionally fast rebuilds of failed drives.
I'll let you into a few of my ideas. This gift will be kindly bestowed on children near and far, and maybe a few adults.
How about those things that have been niggling long before bedrest?

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