I am running DDD 3.1.4. I would like to open an executable to debug and run a command file using -x, but one will work and not the other.
"testing" is the executable that I want to debug
"comfile" is the command file that I want to open with -x
My "comfile" is just one line "set prompt saif"
When I type: "xt-ddd testing -x comfile"
1. The "comfile" file would run, but the testing executable wouldn't appear in the Source Window. A check box on the bottom right side of the DDD window blinks green, and when I try to close the window I get the following message "GDB is still busy. Exit anyway and kill it?" I'm not sure what it needs to kill. I could use "list" in the GDB window to see the source, but the program isn't opening in the Source Window!
When I type: "xt-ddd testing"
2. "testing" opens up correctly and appears in the Soure Window
When I type: "xt-ddd -x comfile" I get the conditions marked above as 1 without "testing" appearing in the Source Window
When I type: "xt-ddd -x comfile testing" I get the condition marked above as 1
When I type: "xt-ddd -exec testing -x comfile" I get the condition marked above as 1
When I type: "xt-ddd -x comfile -exec testing" I get the condition marked above as 1
I tried all of the above with "-command" instead of "-x" and I still got condition marked above as 1
Please help me. It seems like I should be able to do this in DDD, but it isn't working.