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[Denemo-devel] Re: Denemo-devel: Key bindings

From: Jean-René Reinhard
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Re: Denemo-devel: Key bindings
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 14:34:16 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

Le Tue, May 06, 2008 at 04:50:28PM +0100, Richard Shann écrivait:
> On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 14:18 +0200, Jean-René Reinhard wrote:
> > I had a hard time to find a pointer on a denemo devel-list. Would it be 
> > possible
> > to better advertise this change on the website? 
> We need an extrovert volunteer!


Furthermore, the manual page of denemo in the cvs also points to sourceforge...

> > Googling for denemo didn't get
> > me on Savannah.
> yes, currently its entry number 3 for a search on the keyword denemo.
> ...

not for French people, where you get a pointer on the sourceforge website, and
then a bunch of commercial links for "le mode de nemo" (Finding Nemo stuffs). 

> > If one lets the application handle the keymaprc, things will probably be
> > allright. However, isn't editing the keymaprc file by hand another valid 
> > option worth supporting?
> > 
> > If not a disclaimer should be added to keymaprc to direct the user to the 
> > proper
> > way to edit this file.
> > 
> > Something is probably wrong since I checked out a CVS repository on 
> > sourceforge,
> > following guidelines on the sourceforge denemo web page.
> the sourceforge web page directs to the CVS on Savannah,

I google for denemo cvs and got that page first :

savannah cvs was nowhere to be seen in the search result.

> if you checked
> out the sources on sourceforge they would be *very* out of date, the
> program has moved on a lot, both in stability and features since the
> repository moved to Savannah. This happened before the sourceforge site
> became orphaned. 
> > There is no standard.accels file there. Where is the reference repository
> > located? Savannah?
> yes. But you must have found it (just didn't realize it was on Savannah)
> since you found the git repository which is being trialled; but then you
> must also have somehow got to the sourceforge one if you have no
> denemo/keymaps/standard.accels file???
> The version is 0.7.8 which is released, and CVS is what I hope will be
> 0.7.9 shortly. You see this on the help->About dialog.
> I'll add a warning to keymaprc and keyresponses.c
> Richard

I made some research on gtk handling of key events. It seems that supporting
actions only through key accels is not a good idea, since some keybindings are
not valid accels (Right, Left, ... this can be checked by trying to set a key
binding to that value). I gathered from your last mail that the hold keymap was
due to be obsoleted. When commenting the callback out of
score_area_key_press_event, I effectively lose the ability to move through the
score using Left, Right, ...

Is this a known fact? I would like to understand the plans on keybindings
stuff so as to modify it to better support non US keyboard.


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