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Re: [Denemo-devel] Tab staff

From: Nils Gey
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Tab staff
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 00:00:06 +0100

We have the stafflines, we have the lilypond. 

What we don't have is the entirely different system of pitches where each staff 
line stands for a basic pitch and the number/notehead for an chromatic offset.
I can't imagine this in Scheme right now. Even if there are ways to do it I am 
sceptic. Breve and Longa did a hell of problems and they still are doing and 
all because they are in Scheme.

Another problem is that tabstaffs normaly don't have durations. The optimal 
tab-staff is always the bundled one with a normal notation staff. So we have 
the problem here that changes in the notation staff should affect the tabstaff 
but changes in the tabstaff do not require changes in the notation staffs (for 
example different fret-number).

It is no wonder that there are dedicated programs like TuxGuitar, which is 
pretty good by the way. But TuxGuitar has its problems, too. Mainly on the 
notation side. I think its worth to offer more tabs in Denemo, but I would not 
under-estimate the work. 


On Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:59:22 -0600
Jeremiah Benham <address@hidden> wrote:

> How hard would it be to create a tab staff in denemo. Basically this  
> would be a staff that contains 4,6,7, 8 or more lines depending on  
> desired number of strings. Instead of note heads and stems it would  
> contain numbers. These numbers each have a duration similar to the  
> existing notes. This tab staff would force the tab creation of  
> lilypond. I think then denemo could eventually support the "guitar  
> pro" format similar to tux guitar.
> Jeremiah
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