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Re: [Denemo-devel] Denemo broken ....

From: R. Mattes
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Denemo broken ....
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 20:48:57 +0200

On Wed, 03 Aug 2011 18:14:01 +0100, Richard Shann wrote
> On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 18:52 +0200, R. Mattes wrote:

> > But why does jack_output_midi_event take the velocity from the
> > movement and ignores whatever velocity gets passed in? Do we really
> > never want to play back a crescendo?
> This probably an instance of Denemo's confusing names, this is might 
> be some command for making a sound effect or some such. The midi generated
> by Denemo controls the velocity in the expected sort of way so it
> wouldn't be going through this (at least in the non-jack code). 

??? But that is the code that shows up in the stacktrace. So, at least
change_tuning does call it. Now, what will be sent to jackd? The first
two bytes of the tuning change message, than one byte of "velocity" and
nothing more ....  broke beyond repair.

> You'll be pleased to know that the gsoc work has prioritised jack... 

So far denemo doesn't even start up any more :-(
I'd prefer to spent my time on implementing features.

Cheers, RalfD
> Richard
> > 
> >  Cheers, RalfD
> > 
> > --
> > R. Mattes -
> > Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg
> > address@hidden
> >

R. Mattes -
Hochschule fuer Musik Freiburg

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