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[Denemo-devel] Problem with scheme script ReBar

From: Josue Abarca
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Problem with scheme script ReBar
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 09:00:51 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hello, in Denemo 0.9.2, the scheme script: ReBar


seems that now is not detecting Time Signature changes[0].

I have been trying to debug the script using "Debugger".

The problem seems to be in "GetTimeSigChange", and the call to

I do not know why but, adding a call to "(Debugger)" right before the
call to d-InsertTimeSig "fixes" the problem.

Like this:
(define (GetTimeSigChange)
                (set! TimeSig (string->number (d-InsertTimeSig 
"query=timesigname") ))

In fact, adding any call to d-GetUserInput before the call to
d-InsertTimeSig "fixes" the problem.

Maybe this notes about the problem help to fix it :).

Cheers and thanks for your work in Denemo :).

Sorry for my English.


Josué M. Abarca S.
Vos mereces Software Libre.
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