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[Denemo-devel] Docbook & the manual (was Re: make dist failure)

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Docbook & the manual (was Re: make dist failure)
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2013 09:42:22 +0000

On Mon, 2012-12-31 at 12:49 -0600, Jeremiah Benham wrote:
> Do we really need to use docbook? Do ever use org mode in emacs?
No I never heard of it. Looking at the web site I get some
idea of what it is for.

>  What if we used emacs and export the manual in html using org mode in
> emacs. In my opinion we could replace the entire website we have and
> the manual with some .org files and store them in git. I only feel
> this way because I don't have time for the forum.
By "the forum" were you referring to the current website? 

The only thing I have noticed docbook doing for me is creating a table
of contents automatically. I suspect it is capable of generating
documentation in several formats (e.g. man pages and info), but I don't

A quick reading of the orgmode website doesn't give me an idea about
whether we can import the current manual, whether it would continue to
index  it as it changed and whether the software generating .html
from .org would turn out to be broken every time Debian stable moves on,
as happens with Docbook...

Video of the program in action would probably be more effective than a
manual. Are there any DVD-recorders that can take the VGA or DVI output
of a computer and create DVDs or .ogg files I wonder? Nils did something
in software but he struggled to get it working. Some actual camera
footage of rapidly entering the rhythmic structure of a piece via
numeric keypad and then playing over with a MIDI keyboard would be
needed in addition, but that is relatively straight forward.


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