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Re: [Denemo-devel] The 1.0 release

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] The 1.0 release
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 00:27:17 -0600
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On 01/19/13 14:07, Richard Shann wrote:
I am now back with good internet connection. I took advantage of the
break to look over the code and I have fixed some serious and
long-standing infelicities. One (the bottom staff becoming unreachable
in large scores) was more serious than I had thought - on smaller
screens large scores would be really hobbled.
As I see that the attempt to create binary packages is still ongoing, I
thought it might be ok to re-spin the release around the improved code
that I now have ready.

Maybe we should advertise a pre release to call for more testers. I have been working on it. I wish I was making quicker progress. I just compiled a linux binary. There was a problem for gtk3 based systems. It ran great in gtk2 based systems. I ran it the latest ubuntu but evince could not open up the .pdf that lilypond creates. In a gtk2 based system it worked fine. The error was something like GTK::Warning *** can't load modules for pdf support. So I am trying to consolidate the win32 code around line 300 of main.c. I figured linux could benefit from these being set also. This binary also only has alsa in for midi. Is it really important to have portmidi support on the linux binary? I am not sure if the linux binary if updated on the server or not. I compiled it serveral times for darwin. Most of the time I compiled using gub. The denemo.ttf does not load. I don't see any complaints from pango about any of the other fonts. For some reason denemo can't execute lilypond (I confirmed that it actually works at the command line). If compile it using macport instead of gub, denemo *is* able to execute lilypond and the menu fonts are present. The denemo.ttf still refuses to load.


If there are no objections I will push the fixes to git tomorrow.

I have no objections.

(BTW, Jeremiah - do you want anything tested?)

Yes. Can you check to see if portmidi is working for the mingw build.



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