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Re: [Denemo-devel] printing margins, and miscellania

From: Bric
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] printing margins, and miscellania
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:19:02 -0400 (EDT)

> On September 11, 2013 at 11:40 AM Richard Shann <address@hidden>
> wrote:

> > * when I added mezzopiano, the symbol, looked like a png rather than a
> > (scalable) svg (relatively bad-looking)
> >

just a side-note here: the above seems to be fixed in the latest git.  The p,
pp, mf, ff are all fine (though they do look different in denemo and final
lilypond render, of course)

> >

> > * lilypond error: I inserted an empty staff, while working in 0.9.3,
> > (because my
> > top staff was being cut off in the window — couldn't see high slurs, etc.),
> This could have been fixed by Staff->Staff Properties->Space Above, but
> now in 1.0.9 you just use the mouse scroll wheel on the top staff to get
> more space at the top.

OK, I used the above, and it seems to be non-printing.

However, there still seems to be a problem.  Adding 40 unites to the Staff
Properties -> Space Above does NOT make my arbitrary text visible.

I imported a score i created with 0.9.3, which had '\circle "A"' inserted by
means of Notes/Rests -> Markings -> Arbitrary Text

Funny thing is: The file got imported OK, and the typeset music window is
showing my cicled "A", "B", "C", etc... but (1) I don't see the inserted text in
the main staff (main denemo workspace), initially (2) I can't find the command
to edit it (3) When I insert a blank staff above the one and only staff the
score has, the insertions suddenly appear WAY HIGH, WHERE THE NEW STAFF IS — in
other words the inserted text '\circle "' suddenly becomes visible, around the
middle staff line of the blank staff above

Here's what it looks like. Again — this is in 1.0.9 (git), and is an imported
file created in 0.9.3, with a staff added afterwards. The second staff (the one
with the music) has Staff Properties "space above" set to 40:

And, again, that extra staff above is just temporary experimentation and is not
wanted (to be deleted)

OK. I just went back and deleted the blank staff, but also set the "space above"
the good staff to 240, and, lo and behold, the text is now (still) visible,
without the blank staff, at same height as it is when the blank staff is there.
Which means, it's a height/space problem (apparently)

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