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Re: [Denemo-devel] Palettes

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Palettes
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 17:27:07 +0100

On Sun, 2013-10-13 at 11:34 -0400, Bric wrote:
> On 10/11/2013 04:56 AM, Richard Shann wrote:
> > On Thu, 2013-10-10 at 21:49 +0200, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> >> When I have added a command to a palette via right-click -> Place
> >> command in a palette, how can I replace the text with an icon?
> My second palette column labels are not rendered correctly. Looks like a 
> font issue (rare unicode characters?):
> (again,  I am on Ubuntu Maverick 10.10, gtk2, etc.)
> I see what the symbol should look like, thanks to Andreas Schneider's 
> attachment.

yes - I already fixed that, after looking at the windows version.

> Also, it's awesome to be able to customize these things.   I don't think 
> too many commercial (or non-commercial) alternatives out there allow you 
> to customize your environment to THAT extent.
> However, yes, it would be cool to beef up the docking algorithm, to lay 
> multiple horizontal palettes on the same "line", rather than be 
> invariably vertically stacked. (Denemo would compute current dimensions 
> and decided if they are dock-able that way, based on horizontal pixels 
> available.  See? We think of more complex algorithms, and then task you 
> guys to spend hours coding them.. Yeah! THAT's how that works!! ;-))

This design of palettes thing is a one-off activity, so I don't think it
is worth programming. You can assemble exactly the buttons you want in
the places you want them. Es ist genug. (Well, we could have buttons to
the right and buttons to the left ... that would be nice for people who
use buttons).
I guess you have added Cut & Paste buttons to your own general palette
now? I am not sure I want to promote them until they have been debugged.
Come the next version you will want to move
your .denemo-1.0.9/actions/palettes.xml file into the
new .denemo-xxx/actions directory.

BTW, Can you confirm that turning off the cursor highlighting doesn't
speed anything up? I am interested in the speed of operation thing,
which I can't easily test myself. It might be useful to turn off the
Undo/Redo to see if that affects it. In ancient versions there was a lot
of recalculating the positions of things in the bar, so, if anything
modern versions should be quicker.


> > Right click -> Edit Label
> > then give the name of an image file (see the Articulations palette for
> > examples), The image filename you give must be in the pixmaps directory.
> > I think ~/.denemo-1.0.9/actions/pixmaps will be searched, but I haven't
> > tested that yet.
> >
> > (Virtually all of the palettes I created are not using icons, they are
> > just very short text labels, exploiting the fonts I have installed.
> > Those that use Arial font don't work on windows, and may not work on
> > your distro if it doesn't come with that font - this is problem in  need
> > of a fix.)
> >
> > Let me know what works (I only tried .svg from
> > the /usr/share/denemo/actions/pixmaps directory)
> >
> > Richard
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