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Re: [Denemo-devel] Release 1.1

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Release 1.1
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:03:38 -0600

That's exactly what I thought would happen! The tag reset to the latest commit. So maybe we need to use branches until the release has been made. Either create a stable-VERSION branch and then delete the branch after release or we have master be the stable and all code that does *not* go to release go in branches. Then we tag after the release and then merge the branches. I am thinking this because it does not seem possible to commit and push to a tag like you can branches. You can only updated where the tag points in git masters history. Correct?


On Nov 20, 2013 12:32 PM, "Éloi Rivard" <address@hidden> wrote:
Actually you set the tag on the last commit of master,
as you can see it :

2013/11/20 Jeremiah Benham <address@hidden>

On Nov 20, 2013 9:36 AM, "Éloi Rivard" <address@hidden> wrote:
> Can you try:
> git push --tags origin

This did not give me an error but when I pulled from anonymous git and checkout the tag and fetched tags, I did not see my change!

> 2013/11/19 Jeremiah Benham <address@hidden>
>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Éloi Rivard <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> Oops I forgot the step where you should remove the tag from the origin repository.
>>> Before you push, try to run:
>>> git push origin --delete -r1.1.0
>> That did not work. git push origin --delete r1.1.0 seemed to work though. When I tried to push it though I got the same error:
>> error: src refspec r1.1.0 matches more than one.
>> error: failed to push some refs to 'address@hidden:/srv/git/denemo.git'
>> Jeremiah
>>> 2013/11/19 Jeremiah Benham <address@hidden>
>>>> On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 7:49 AM, Éloi Rivard <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>>>> I still don't know how to change a file in a tag and commit it and have that change. If I update the tagging wont it include all other commits since the tag has been created?
>>>>> A tag points to a commit, but except the initial commit of a repository, every commit has a parent. Tags does not prevent you to access parent commits.
>>>>>> What are a commands to make a change and have it only affect the r1.1.0 tag.
>>>>> Everything is here:
>>>> Ok. I just did this:
>>>> git pull
>>>> git fetch --tags
>>>> git checkout -b r1.1.0
>>>> vim
>>>> git commit -m "set version to 1.1.0"
>>>> git tag -a r1.1.0 -f -m "set version to 1.1.0"
>>>> git push origin r1.1.0
>>>> Then I get this error:
>>>> error: src refspec r1.1.0 matches more than one.
>>>> error: failed to push some refs to 'address@hidden:/srv/git/denemo.git'
>>>> I tried this with and without the line with "git commit" but still got the same error. What am I doing wrong?
>>>> Jeremiah
>>>>>> This commit should also be the only commit added to the tag. The tag dhould not point update to point at last commit or current master.
>>>>> What do you mean ?
>>> --
>>> Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
>>> « On perd plus à être indécis qu'à se tromper. »
> --
> Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
> « On perd plus à être indécis qu'à se tromper. »

Éloi Rivard - address@hidden
« On perd plus à être indécis qu'à se tromper. »

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