I have fixed tests.
integration tests opens every file in fixtures/PATH_TO_THE_TEST, saves it into tmp/PATH_TO_THE_TEST
If references/PATH_TO_THE_TEST exists, the test compares the reference, and the saved file. If not, the test compares the original file and the saved file (only for denemo files).
For example, let's consider a test named fixtures/denemo/foobar.denemo . The test will open it and saves it as tmp/denemo/foobar.denemo . If references/denemo/foobar.denemo exists, it is compared with the saved file, if not, it is compared with fixtures/denemo/foobar.denemo.
The failing test files are suffixed with .bak (ChangeNoteEnharmonicUp.denemo TextSpanStart.denemo note-insertion.denemo). I let you remove the suffix, and create the matching reference file if you want.