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Re: [Denemo-devel] xgettext on OSX

From: Lee Nelson
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] xgettext on OSX
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:28:41 -0700

Even after "make install", this is all I get:
22:24:03 yabloko-100 lnelson:~> /usr/local/bin/denemo
Denemo - MESSAGE : Loading preference file: /Users/lnelson/.denemo-1.1.9/denemorc
Segmentation fault: 11

It segfaults immediately without much in the way of useful output.

I'm basically following the instructions for a Linux build but doing so on my Mac.  I'm using macports to install the dependencies, then creating a "bin" subdir, and then running "../configure" in the subdir.  The compile completes without any errors.  But when I try to run denemo as "./denemo" in the "bin" directory or as "/usr/local/bin/denemo" after running "make install" I get the same segfault.

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