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[Denemo-devel] binreloc for mingw builds?

From: Jeremiah Benham
Subject: [Denemo-devel] binreloc for mingw builds?
Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2015 22:39:10 -0600

I may need help in trying to add binreloc support for the mingw32 build. I found this tutorial. I am going to try and compile their binreloc in gub. I want to be able to run denemo from a usb stick for when I go into computer labs, libraries, friends laptops, etc... I am teaching a class now that has about 20 people in it. Denemo is one of the requirements. The university has computer labs so I want to be able to distribute a director similar to how the gub linux and darwin version are. Then the users would execute Denemo-1.2.0/Denemo.exe. The user can place the directory Denemo-1.2.0 on a usb and carry it around.


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