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[Denemo-devel] Saving user's preferences to USB stick (was Re: binreloc

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Saving user's preferences to USB stick (was Re: binreloc for mingw builds?)
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 16:34:58 +0000

On Sun, 2015-01-18 at 15:09 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
> this would be moving all the user's preferences, shortcuts, palettes
> etc
> off the "Guest" account and onto his USB stick when he quits Denemo,
> so
> that it is available next time he comes to the machine and starts
> Denemo.bat up again. 

I've looked into this, and, sadly there is no way of doing it using
windows batch files - there is no way to wait for Denemo to finish
before copying the user's prefs. We could do copying the set of
preferences, shortcuts etc that the user has on his USB stick when
starting - this Denemo.bat does that:

START /WAIT xcopy /E /Y /Q .denemo-1.2.1 %USERPROFILE%\.denemo-1.2.1
echo finished copy
START /B .\usr\bin\denemo.exe %1


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