Is the newest version also available for linux? On the zip folder from the 22nd of september. The linux script is from the 11th of september.
Richard Shann <
address@hidden> schrieb am Fr., 25. Sep. 2015 um 19:20 Uhr:
On Thu, 2015-09-24 at 14:32 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> The only tricky bit is you have to set the titles, the page size and
> so
> on before starting on the layout. In particular, for the projector
> display you may want a custom aspect ratio for your score - certainly
> not the A4 portrait default!
Thinking this over, it seemed to me I could avoid that tricky bit too.
So now there is a button to re-load the score-wide settings into a
layout you are working on, so you don't have to get all the things like
the score size sorted out in advance.