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Re: [Denemo-devel] Gregorian Chant in Denemo

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Gregorian Chant in Denemo
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 14:55:12 +0000

On Sun, 2016-12-18 at 14:10 +0100, Andreas Schneider wrote:
> I have attached a Lilypond file of what I would like to obtain.

Ok - I'm rather deep into a re-structuring of the code for creating the
menu system and loading/saving commands, so I won't get to this very
quickly, but I've made some notes below which will jog my memory when I
get to it. Meanwhile, you can play with the script for TabStaff and
Mordent to see how far you get - post up any attempts and I can comment.
Here are my notes:

> \include ""
There is a command to put in an include file. Once you have created it
you can then make a button to clone it for insertion in a new score (or
use the score you create as a template)
> \score {
> <<
> \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
This would be similar to commands that create \new TabStaff or \new
there are two layers of context emitted by Denemo \new Staff and \new
Voice, here you only have one so one of them will need to be blanked out
which TabStaff does too - the script is

(let ((tag "TabStaff"))
        (ToggleDirective "staff" "postfix" tag " \\new TabStaff <<\n"  
        (ToggleDirective "voice" "postfix" tag "\n" (logior 
        (ToggleDirective "clef" "postfix" tag "{} \n"  (logior 

where the "voice" context is being set to "\n" ie a blank line. The
"staff" context you could replace like this:
(ToggleDirective "staff" "postfix" tag " \\new VaticanaVoice <<\n"  

> \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #(x11-color 'black) % override
>  default red color of staff
This you can do with Insert LilyPond

> \clef "vaticana-fa2"
There is a menu for inserting any clef, just type in this name
> \[ d\melisma d \melismaEnd \] c\ictus d f\ictus g \augmentum f
> \divisioMinima
These are the interesting ones. They are like ornaments in their syntax
- so you could start by cloning the code that creates \trill to create
these. By stages I think you would want then to go on to creating
compound commands that would insert a note at the cursor height and
apply these "ornaments", and you would want at a minimum to display
something on the note so you could see what sort of "ornament" was
applied (you could eventually draw the actual glyphs in place of the
notes, so you get a better display).
> e\ictus f g \[ f\flexa\melisma e \melismaEnd \] \augmentum d
> \augmentum d \divisioMaior
> f f \[ f\flexa\melisma e \] \melismaEnd d e f \[ g\melisma a g a bes
> \augmentum a\melismaEnd \] \divisioMinima
> a a g f \[ f\melisma \pes g \melismaEnd \] \augmentum f \divisioMinima
> f f \[ e\episemInitium\melisma \pes f \episemFinis \melismaEnd \] g
> \[ f\flexa\melisma e\melismaEnd \] \augmentum d \augmentum d \finalis
> }

> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
> Da pa -- cem Do -- mi -- ne in di -- e -- bus no -- stris:
> qui -- a non est a -- li -- us
> qui pu -- gnet pro no -- bis,
> ni -- si tu De -- us no -- ster.
> }
> >>
> }

The lyrics don't require any new work I think.


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