On Wed, 2017-03-01 at 11:45 +0000, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
Hi Richard,
Frequently we get music for the Octave Mandola which was originally
for the Tenor Mandola /Viola. The TM top string is a Fourth higher
than that of the OM. As a consequence the OM music can end up a bit
high up the fingerboard. We could put a capo on the 5th fret (!) but
it would be handier if the music were transposed down. And we can do
this in Denemo.
However it would be even nicer if we could also have the original
pitches as well, so if it were possible to select a set of notes,
press a button, and have them duplicated
I think you mean: have the notes copied, pasted into a new staff below
and then physically transposed an octave higher. ???
If so I think you are missing a trick here. Attached is a score with two
staffs. The second one mirrors the first, but after mirroring the first
one has had its staff-transpose value set to transpose down an octave -
see Staffs/Voices->Staff Properties->(Print) Transpose.
The mirrored staff ignores changes made to the staff whose music it
mirrors, it only mirrors the actual music.
This does mean you need to finalize everything on the staff (key,
timesig ...) before creating the mirror, else you have to re-create it
later (un-transposing and then transposing in this case).