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Re: [Denemo-devel] Proportional Notation

From: NagyMusic
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Proportional Notation
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 14:54:40 +0000

Thank you! Deleting the number works to reset the spacing from proportional to default.

Three other quick questions, if I may:
1) How to change the default text font, from texgyreschola to Linux Libertine, for instance? I know how to do it directly in Lilypond, but wonder if there's a command option included in Denemo.
2) How to change the display of time signatures to single digits (e.g. 3/4 => 3)?
3) How to include the white space behind key and time signatures:
  \override Score.StaffSymbol.layer = #4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.layer = #3
  b'2 b'~
  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature.whiteout = ##t
  \time 3/4
  b' r4

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 9:41 AM Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:
On Sun, 2017-09-17 at 11:45 +0000, NagyMusic wrote:
> Thanks, Richard. I figured it out. I just can't seem to undo (ctrl z)
> this command, returning to regular (default) note spacing. Any advice?

Yes, the Undo command is limited to the stuff you see in the Display,
that is, the notes and other objects, the measures, the staffs ... it
doesn't work for things you attach to the score, movement, staffs etc.
Generally, those commands have some means of undoing the effect by
running the command again - for example if you set the instrument name
on a staff you could undo it by re-setting the instrument name to "".

In this case, I found, by guessing, that you can remove it by running
the command again and responding with to the base duration question by
deleting the number. This should be stated on the entry dialog - I've
submitted a bug report for that.

Thanks again for a useful bug report!


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