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Re: [Denemo-devel] Custom Barlines

From: NagyMusic
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Custom Barlines
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 19:36:19 +0000

While I was able to successfully create a custom barline (I gave it a name and inserted the Lilypond symbol four times as prompted), I can't seem to find a way to insert this newly created barline in music without using Directives->Insert LilyPond. Any advice? In other words, where can one find the command to insert the newly created custom barline?

Thank you!

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 5:52 AM Richard Shann <address@hidden> wrote:
On Sun, 2017-09-17 at 00:47 +0000, NagyMusic wrote:
> Hello,
> As a new user of Denemo with extensive Lilypond experience, I'm
> writing to ask how to create custom barlines (e.g., dashed, dotted,
> etc.) in line with all available Lilypond options:
> I tried creating a custom barline tool found in the Barline tab, but
> it didn't seem to work.

That would be this command I guess:
Command: Custom Barline
Create a custom barline.
These can be named, or can simply override a standard LilyPond bar line
A bar line is defined by four forms, which describe 1) the appearance
normally (during a line),
2) appearance when the barline is at the beginning or
3) end of a line , and
4) what to show when joining staffs together as with a Piano Staff.
Barline forms are made of characters including |,:,.,[,],:
and others in the LilyPond documentation.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Score ▶ Typesetter
Internal Name: CustomBarline

I just tried it, taking all the default responses. It created this
syntax (in the LilyPond window)

\defineBarLine "|-A" #'("|" "|" "|")
BarA = \bar "|-A"

I tried it out by inserting the LilyPond syntax "\BarA" between two
notes (using Directives->Insert LilyPond) and got this

 f'2 f'4 \BarA   \tuplet 3/2 { f'8 f' f' }
So it seems the help for this command is inadequate, and in any case it
would seem to be a good idea if the command created a command to insert
the newly-created type of barline. I have submitted a bug report about

Thank you for reporting this bug. If you need help creating a particular
barline please ask.


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