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Re: [Denemo-devel] Help! Keyboard problems

From: gerard . nollez
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] Help! Keyboard problems
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 10:51:16 +0100 (CET)

Attached the ~/.denemo-2.2.10/actions/Default.shortcuts file.

----- Mail original -----
De: "Richard Shann" <address@hidden>
À: "denemo-devel" <address@hidden>
Envoyé: Jeudi 6 Décembre 2018 15:37:40
Objet: Re: [Denemo-devel] Help! Keyboard problems

On Thu, 2018-12-06 at 14:36 +0100, gerard.nollez wrote:
>  The denemo_2.2.x.AppImage works (after having said Yes to the
> question
> whether to re-use existing commands, shortcuts, etc...) but with
> exactly the same symptoms as before. 
It sounds like you have a corrupt shortcuts file - you can find the
file used to define the shortcuts in


if you post this file it may reveal the problem.

If that is the case you could clean things up by deleting ~/.denemo-
2.2.10 and then running Denemo and *not* re-using commands, shortcuts
etc. (If you wanted to keep some commands or palettes this would still
be possible - it would be a matter of copying the files from the
earlier ~/.denemo-2.2.n directory, just not taking Default.shortcuts).


By the way, please use the "Reply to All" or "Group Reply" buttons when
replying to a mailing list posting, as others will benefit from the
AT, JRR, RTS 104 116 102 146 Save Ctrl+s DeleteObject Ctrl+Delete ToggleReduceToDrawingArea Escape SharpenEnharmonicSet Shft+Add Play F5 Help F1 f1 EditStaffProperties Alt+Return DeleteStaff true InitialClef true k,l MoveToMeasureLeft Ctrl+Left AddA Alt+a A a Ottava o AddVerse Ctrl+l,a MoveCursorLeft Left CursorDown Down CursorUp Up MoveCursorRight Right SwapPointAndMark true PushPosition true PopPosition true PopPushPosition true StaffUp Shft+Up StaffDown Shft+Down MoveToStaffUp Ctrl+Up MoveToStaffDown Ctrl+Down MeasureLeft true Ctrl+Shft+Left MeasureRight true Ctrl+Shft+Right MoveToMeasureRight Ctrl+Right B b C c D d E e F f G g OctaveUp apostrophe OctaveDown comma AddDot period RemoveDot Ctrl+period PendingSharpen equal PendingFlatten minus InsertWholeRest Alt+0 InsertHalfRest Alt+1 InsertQuarterRest Alt+2 InsertEighthRest Alt+3 InsertSixteenthRest Alt+4 InsertThirtysecondRest Alt+5 InsertSixtyfourthRest Alt+6 InsertBlankWholeNote Mod4+0 InsertBlankHalfNote Mod4+1 InsertBlankQuarterNote Mod4+2 InsertBlankEighthNote Mod4+3 InsertBlankSixteenthNote Mod4+4 InsertBlankThirtysecondNote Mod4+5 NextRhythm Shft+space EndTuplet Shft+bracketright InsertSextuplet true AddNoteToChord Insert PrsL-Shft-Alt RemoveNoteFromChord Ctrl+Insert Sharpen Shft+equal plus Add Flatten Shft+minus Subtract InsertTiedNote Ctrl+t ToggleTie l DeletePreviousObject BackSpace AddMeasure n InsertMeasureBefore m DeleteMeasure Delete,m DeleteMeasureAllStaffs Delete,M SetInitialASharpmin true SetPoint PrsL-Shift ToggleStartCrescendo PrsL-Shift-CapsLock ToggleEndCrescendo RlsL-Shift-CapsLock ToggleStartDiminuendo PrsL-CapsLock-AltGr ToggleEndDiminuendo RlsL-CapsLock-AltGr ToggleGrace true InsertRhythm Ctrl+space FlattenEnharmonicSet Shft+Subtract AddMovements q SaveAs Ctrl+S NewMovement M,n PrintView Ctrl+p,p PrintSelection Ctrl+p,s PrintMovement Ctrl+p,m PrintPart Ctrl+p,Ctrl+p Close Ctrl+w Quit Ctrl+q Undo Ctrl+z Redo Ctrl+Z Copy Ctrl+c Cut Ctrl+x Paste Ctrl+v AddBefore true AddAfter true AddInitial true AddLast true InsertStem true EditObject PrsR GoToMeasure Alt+m GoToBeginning Shft+Home GoToEnd Shft+End MoveToBeginning Home MoveToEnd End NextMovement Page_Down PreviousMovement Page_Up Stop F6 InsertA A,A InsertB B,B AddB Alt+b InsertC C,C AddC Alt+c InsertD D,D AddD Alt+d InsertE E,E AddE Alt+e InsertF F,F AddF Alt+f InsertG G,G AddG Alt+g 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Slur0 Ctrl+0 Slur1 Ctrl+1 Slur2 Ctrl+2 Slur3 Ctrl+3 Slur4 Ctrl+4 Slur5 Ctrl+5 Slur6 Ctrl+6 NoBarline B,o OpenFirstTimeBar r,1 OpenSecondTimeBar r,2 EndVolta r,e ToggleAccent true AddDotSelectionSwitcher true BookmarkNonPrinting Alt+Shft+F9 RehearsalMark F9 Allegro true AllegroAssai true Upbeat u Andante true ScoreTitles s,s InsertTiedNoteDuration t CautionaryAccidental Shft+slash LoadSelectDurationComposerNumberkeys true SearchPattern Ctrl+f,Ctrl+f CloseRepeat true CloseReopenRepeat true BookComposer S,c ConvertDrum2GmSingleSelection true DottedRhythm KP_9 CreateTripletSlurred Ctrl+KP_7,Ctrl+KP_7 DottedRhythmSlurred Ctrl+KP_9 CreateTriplet KP_7,KP_7 ToggleCursorHighlight grave DeleteDynamic true StagedDelete Delete,Delete DotDoubleDotNoDot Decimal DoubleBarline B,d ToggleDownBow true DynamicText Ctrl+d EditSimilar Ctrl+e,e EndBeam bracketright ExtendSlur 8 FermataSelectionSwitcher A,f ToggleFermata true FindEditPoint Alt+Left FingeringsDoublestroke true FirstTimeBar true Forte true Fortissimo true GraceAfter G,a GraceNoteSwitcher z MakeGrace Divide ToggleHarmonic true HelpForReturnKey Import-Midi true AddDuplicateMeasure Enter InsertTwoGraceNotesBeamed G,2 InsertWholeMeasureRest space BookInstrumentation S,i Largo true ToggleMarcato true MezzoForte true MezzoPiano true MoveToMovementBeginning Ctrl+Home MoveToMovementEnd Ctrl+End NextBookmark F12 NextHigher Ctrl+f,h FindNextLowerNote Ctrl+f,l OpEight true OpFive true OpFour true OpNine true OpOne true OpSeven true OpSix true OpThree true OpTwo true OpZero true OpenMyDefaultTemplate Ctrl+n OpenRepeat true DenemoPlayCursorToEnd Ctrl+F5 TogglePortato true Presto true PrevBookmark F11 ReloadDrumHash true RepeatEnd B,e RepeatEndStart B,2 RepeatStart B,s EndSecondTimeBar true LoadDefaultComposerNumberkeys true SearchBookmark F10 SecondTimeBar true SelectAllStaffs true SelectLeft Shft+Left SelectRight Shft+Right SelectStaff true ReduceSlur 9 SlurTwo 7 StaccatissimoSelectionSwitcher A,apostrophe ToggleStaccatissimo true StaccatoSelectionSwitcher semicolon ToggleStaccato true StartTuplet Shft+dead_circumflex StartBeam bracketleft StartDownStems true StartUpStems true TenutoSelectionSwitcher A,minus ToggleTenuto true BookTitle S,t TitledPiece M,t MoveNoteToCursor MveL-Control ToggleTripleting Tab Tremolo Alt+t ToggleTrill backslash NotationMagick-TwelveToneRow true ToggleUpBow true VoicesDoublestroke true VoicePreset1 Alt+v,1 VoicePreset2 Alt+v,2 VoicePreset3 Alt+v,3 VoicePreset4 Alt+v,4 VoicePresetAutomatic Alt+v,a WholeMeasureRest true ZoomIn Ctrl+equal Ctrl+plus Ctrl+Add ZoomOut Ctrl+minus Ctrl+Subtract ChangeTo0 Shft+0 ChangeTo1 Shft+1 ChangeTo2 Shft+2 ChangeTo3 Shft+3 ChangeTo4 Shft+4 ChangeTo5 Shft+5 ChangeTo6 Shft+6 ChooseSeekEditDirectives Ctrl+e,Ctrl+e ResumeEdit Ctrl+e,r EditLyricAtCursor Ctrl+l,Ctrl+l CustomRehearsalMark Shft+F9 ActivatePaletteButtonByLabel p FillMeasure KP_8 ToggleArpeggio true ToggleStopped true
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