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Re: [Denemo-devel] A possible scheme script

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: [Denemo-devel] A possible scheme script
Date: Sat, 02 Feb 2019 09:47:18 +0000

On Fri, 2019-02-01 at 15:30 -0800, rain wrote:
> Although I am grateful for Denemo's sound output features, I find
> that because of my lack of experience with being able to change
> settings related to fluidsynth running on this Windows system, that I
> can get a little bit better volume control by exporting the lilypond
> (I copy and paste from lilypond output window, because 'export
> lilypond' keeps reverting to a layout that is missing a few of the
> staffs - but if I delete all the layouts, it will export correctly
> one time, then revert to the broken layout again). 
> Then I open the code in Frescobaldi, which helps me to work with the
> guts from a little different perspective (but composing in
> Frescobaldi is a bit cumbersome for my taste) and I can send the midi
> out to another program that works with soundfonts, with slightly
> better volume control based on how the dynamic markings should
> actually sound IMO, plus some of the articulations work, which I'm
> unable to get working in Denemo for the life of me.

yes, Denemo's audio out has only been developed sufficiently for
checking that the pitches and durations sound ok - it doesn't even do
grace notes, which is one thing I would fix if I had time. It does have
a a few other things which people have developed over the years, such
as some dynamics, but for my use I had to add a switch to force full-
volume output to prevent it distracting from listening for errors in
the pitches/durations, which is what I use it for.
Denemo can actually switch to using LilyPond's MIDI output - see
Playback View, but it will be messy trying to control that further from
inside Denemo - it is there for people wanting to play along to a
scrolling properly typeset score.


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