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Re: new download

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: new download
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 18:11:02 +0000

On Mon, 2019-11-18 at 17:28 +0000, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> 2 questions:
> 1. I answered that I wanted to keep my old shortcuts and now have 
> duplicate items in some of the menus, e.g. there are 2 "New from
> Current 
> Score" entries. Is there an easy way to get rid of duplicates?

This is a situation which doesn't normally arise so I've never really
looked into the details - the new version of the command is the one
that deletes verses - is it the second? Perhaps you can just use the
Command Center to hide the other one. There is potential for trouble
though - perhaps they will both run the same script, possibly the wrong
one. If you have trouble you could edit the Default.commands in
.denemo-2.3.2/actions to remove one of the entries 
An entry looks like this:

      <row type="scheme">
        <_label>New from Current</_label>
        <_tooltip>Creates a new score from the current score omitting the 
actual music and prompting for  possible new values for clef, key, time 
signature, titles etc.</_tooltip>

you have to be careful not to mangle it - you can leave extra space
around the entries to make things clear.

> 2. I tried New from Current Score (I assume both entries would do
> the 
> same; there is no way to know which is which)
>          What do I enter for Aflat? Ab gave me A, Aflat gave me F,
> and 
> aes gave me C.

You found the answer to this - I think that the parser for this is some
ancient bit of Denemo code with its own rules. 

>          I assume that your script picks up the Movement Titles that
> are 
> already set and asks me to confirm or change.
>  The Movement title is 
> obvious, but I then get a window for a further item (i assume
> composer), 
> but the window doesn't give me a clue; if it were possible to give a 
> hint what is being asked for, it would be helpful.

yes, it would be helpful. You actually have the same problem when first
setting it - it is using some very generic bit of code which doesn't
know the purpose of the call. Perhaps worth a bug report :)


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