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Re: custom keymap

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: custom keymap
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:51:28 +0100

On Mon, 2020-08-31 at 10:18 -0400, aaron mehl wrote:
> More questions on keybindings
> If I would like to make a shortcut to put denemo into a note entry
> mode where I have a set of  bindings only for note and chord entry
> for example.
> I set a keybinding n+n to move into that mode (how do I do this
> exactly, can I?)

You create a command that executes a Scheme script - an example of such
a command already in the Denemo menu system is

Command: Note Names Move Cursor
Changes the shortcuts for note names a, b, c, d, e, f, g so that they
move the cursor to the nearest note of that name.
Location: Main Menu ▶ _Input ▶ PC Keyboard
Internal Name: NoteNamesMove

By right-clicking on this command and choosing "Get Script into Scheme
Window" you can get that script and then modify it for your own
purposes and then (again by right-clicking on the original) you can
choose "Save Script as New Menu Item". The new command will appear in
the menu.
Then you would set a shortcut (e.g. n,n) for your new command and that
will get you into your new note entry mode. 
You would create another command to take yourself back out of it (with
shortcut n, Shift-n perhaps).

>  then I would make keybindings for note entry only. Do I understand
> this correctly?
> Also if this is true how does this effect the default keymap.

Any clashing shortcuts would be replaced by your new ones when you
execute your mode switch command. It would be up to your switch back
command whether you restored them, but in any case when you re-start
Denemo you will be back with your default set (until you execute your
mode switch command).



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