On Thu, 2020-12-10 at 19:49 +0000, Harriman Martin wrote:
> I'm having difficulty with printing the score so that the instrument
> name prints on all lines and not just the first. At one point they
> were, but now some of the parts are and some are not. I populated the
> instrument name under staff properties, but when I try to populate
> the short instrument name it doesn't save. I change it from "Vin" to
> "Trumpet", hit enter. Then I go back to look
"look" where? In the final typeset score when typesetting "Default
Layout" or typesetting "Part" ...
> at the short instrument name for the staff and it still says "Vin".
> However, when I look at the Staff Properties Editor, the correct
> short instrument name appears.
Is it marked as conditional here? You may want the short instrument
name to appear on the full score, but not when printing a single part
(generally the person playing the single part can remember which
instrument they are playing as they go down the page :) ).
You get the fullest information about the short instrument name
directive in the Staff Properties Editor by selecting "Advanced"; there
it tells you if it is conditional and whether it applies to the layout
(ie typeset) you have currently showing in the Print View.
If it is not conditional the only thing (*) that will stop you seeing
it is another short instrument name directive appearing after that one
- look further down.
If it *is* conditional you can change that with the "Conditional"
button in the Staff Properties editor.
You are very welcome to post your problematic score - you can delete
the actual music in this case as it's not relevant. It will help for
the future if some tweak can be made to the interface to prevent others
getting into the configuration you have found. (My guess as to what has
happened: on creating the short instrument name you got offered to make
it conditional and didn't select "All Layouts" but rather the layout
for just printing the part...)
(*) well, not the *only* thing, after all, in the Advanced dialog you
could change the LilyPond syntax emitted to say anything you liked. But
you won't have done that accidentally. I hope!
> It still won't print on the second and subsequent lines.
> Thanks for your help!
> Marty Harriman