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Re: Parentheses around chord names above staff?

From: Joe Wilkinson
Subject: Re: Parentheses around chord names above staff?
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2024 15:04:48 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

I have a lot of music using a chord symbols staff, George.

Technically you only need the root note to get it to appear as a chord, but I tend to fill in the major/minor triad so that it sounds better on playback.

Then add the 7th note above the fifth. major 7ths, diminished thirds and augmented fifths come out with, presumably, official symbls. It would be nice to get them displayed as maj7, dim, aug, and sus4 etc, but I haven't figured out how.

Joe WIlkinson.

On 06/11/2024 14:30, Richard Shann wrote:
On Wed, 2024-11-06 at 07:46 +0000, wrote:

On Mon, 2024-11-04 at 09:00 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
Oh, I just tested and

Command: Parenthesize Chord (Off/On)
Enclose the chord in ( ) on printing.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Chords
Internal Name: ParenthesizeChord
(apologies if this message isn't threaded properly)

Thanks for your help Richard, I've made some progress but I'm not all
the way there yet.

Re: Command: Parenthesize Chord, this doesn't seem to do what I'm
thinking -- it parenthesizes the note in the staff instead
of the chord name above the staff.
I think I can guess why you didn't get the result you wanted. You
should enter the chord symbols by using a separate staff for them:

Command: Chord Symbols (Off/On)
Typesets the music on this staff as chord symbols (off/on).
Location: Object Menu ▶ Staffs/Voices ▶ Staff Properties
Internal Name: ChordStaff

In this staff you enter the chords and they are typeset as chord
symbols, and then the Parenthesize commands work for them. You actually
melody comes on a staff below this.

I suspect you have alighted on the command

Command: Edit Chord Symbols
Allows chord symbols to be added to the current note. E.G.cis:dim7 for
c-sharp diminished 7th. See Lilypond docs for notation
Location: Object Menu ▶ Notes/Rests ▶ Markings ▶ Chords Symbols
Internal Name: EditChords

and friends, which is an older interface attaching text to the melody
notes. With that you would have to start tinkering with the LilyPond

I tried inserting a text mark above the staff, and that prints
paren in the print view, but I can't drag the paren to
position it properly (even if I click on typeset in the print
view --
maybe I'm doing it wrong). The little hand cursor shows
up, but nothing happens when I click on the paren.
Can you drag *any* text marks?
I can't -- I see the hand pointer, but dragging doesn't work.
This will be the problem that you are using the evince-view package
instead of the atril-view package, point and click stopped working in
the default evolution packages some years ago.
Right-click shows the menu, but double-clicking on a mark
doesn't do anything AFAICT.

Thank you for recommending digging into LilyPond.
If using a dedicated chord symbols staff works for you then you will
not need to hack through this. Let us know.


  I found some old threads and other examples in the wild that seem to
use the
same code, found here:

I don't quite have a handle on the recommended way to add LilyPond
code to Denemo but I hacked it in via Score -> LilyPond
Definition, and it sort of works. But Denemo typesets it as for
example '(Cm7 f7)' with a large gap between the two chord
names, and so the chord name is printed past the end of the bar. A
screenshot will probably be easier to understand.

To be clear, I added the code via the Definition, then I edited the
chord symbol to be '\LPC c:m7 \RPC f:7 \NPC'.

If I can fix up the layout issue this should work.

I've found examples of what I want to do at

That also uses the 'LPC' definition though I haven't tracked down
where in that codebase it's defined.


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