On Wed, 2024-11-06 at 07:46 +0000, wakyct@tilde.team wrote:
On Mon, 2024-11-04 at 09:00 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
Oh, I just tested and
Command: Parenthesize Chord (Off/On)
Enclose the chord in ( ) on printing.
Location: Object Menu ▶ Chords
Internal Name: ParenthesizeChord
(apologies if this message isn't threaded properly)
Thanks for your help Richard, I've made some progress but I'm not all
the way there yet.
Re: Command: Parenthesize Chord, this doesn't seem to do what I'm
thinking -- it parenthesizes the note in the staff instead
of the chord name above the staff.
I think I can guess why you didn't get the result you wanted. You
should enter the chord symbols by using a separate staff for them:
Command: Chord Symbols (Off/On)
Typesets the music on this staff as chord symbols (off/on).
Location: Object Menu ▶ Staffs/Voices ▶ Staff Properties
Internal Name: ChordStaff
In this staff you enter the chords and they are typeset as chord
symbols, and then the Parenthesize commands work for them. You actually
melody comes on a staff below this.
I suspect you have alighted on the command
Command: Edit Chord Symbols
Allows chord symbols to be added to the current note. E.G.cis:dim7 for
c-sharp diminished 7th. See Lilypond docs for notation
Location: Object Menu ▶ Notes/Rests ▶ Markings ▶ Chords Symbols
Internal Name: EditChords
and friends, which is an older interface attaching text to the melody
notes. With that you would have to start tinkering with the LilyPond
I tried inserting a text mark above the staff, and that prints
paren in the print view, but I can't drag the paren to
position it properly (even if I click on typeset in the print
view --
maybe I'm doing it wrong). The little hand cursor shows
up, but nothing happens when I click on the paren.
Can you drag *any* text marks?
I can't -- I see the hand pointer, but dragging doesn't work.
This will be the problem that you are using the evince-view package
instead of the atril-view package, point and click stopped working in
the default evolution packages some years ago.
Right-click shows the menu, but double-clicking on a mark
doesn't do anything AFAICT.
Thank you for recommending digging into LilyPond.
If using a dedicated chord symbols staff works for you then you will
not need to hack through this. Let us know.
I found some old threads and other examples in the wild that seem to
use the
same code, found here:
I don't quite have a handle on the recommended way to add LilyPond
code to Denemo but I hacked it in via Score -> LilyPond
Definition, and it sort of works. But Denemo typesets it as for
example '(Cm7 f7)' with a large gap between the two chord
names, and so the chord name is printed past the end of the bar. A
screenshot will probably be easier to understand.
To be clear, I added the code via the Definition, then I edited the
chord symbol to be '\LPC c:m7 \RPC f:7 \NPC'.
If I can fix up the layout issue this should work.
I've found examples of what I want to do at
That also uses the 'LPC' definition though I haven't tracked down
where in that codebase it's defined.