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[Directvnc-user] star

From: Vivien Tyler
Subject: [Directvnc-user] star
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 17:58:23 +0000

I never thoughtbloody was swearing, though its an ugly word.
She didnt know what romantic meant, but she liked Franks eyes. Marigold stoppedscreaming when she saw them. How they had all laughed and how ashamed she had been.
The Lesleys never lie, said OldGrandmother. In some moods she wanted to be like Mother.
Marigolddidnt know whether the graveyard was cheerful or not, but she knewshe loved it.
Come now, sevens your bedtime at home, isntit?
She and Mother had wandered along dear little paths over gnarledroots.
Lorraine would have been horrified if she haddreamed of Marigolds feelings in this respect. Lazarre told Salome it wasbecause Hilda had jilted him.
Marigoldspent a raptured week looking forward to it and living it inimagination. Marigold didnt know what jiltedwas, but whatever it was she hated Hilda for doing it to Frank.
The luresuddenly proved stronger than the dread. I never want to meet that dreadful day again.
Marigold had been afraid to askAunt Flora to leave the light. She didnt believe themall, but you HAD to believe what had happened to Lazarre himself.
But to have disgraced herselfand Mother and the Lesley name! To the day of her death Marigold believed ithappened.
The frozenhorror on the faces of her family told her that.
Marigold thought this ever so much more fun than riding ina car.
How cool and velvety the young grass felt. Lazarre told Salome it wasbecause Hilda had jilted him. Please bless Mother and Young Grandmother and Salome and OldGrandmother for Jesus sake, amen. He had curly black hairand romantic grey eyes. Marigold always thought of them soafter that and walked past them in real half-delicious fear. Andover it to a new world beyond where there was a church and a schooland the village of Harmony.
Salome was singing lustily in the pantry, where she was washingdishes.
And Marigold SAW the beautiful river, looking like the harbourbelow Cloud of Spruce. By the three wise monkeys, was one of them.

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