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Re: cmake doesn't like xrdp

From: Cinaed Simson
Subject: Re: cmake doesn't like xrdp
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2021 14:32:52 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.7.0

It's not that xrpd doesn't like cmake, it's that the unknown device running the unknown OS doesn't like you :).

In other words, it's most likely an X authorization problem.

On the unknown device running the unknown OS, try typing

   xhost +

after you connect and see that corrects the problems.

You can test X by typing


- assuming it's installed on the unknown device running the unknown OS.

And It could also be a problem with DISPLAY environment variable - but that could be a separate can of worms.

The problem with cmake is probably because after cmake gathers the necessary initial information, it then tries to start


-  which requires X.

Without X there can be no graphics.

Or it could be worse - there is no X - but since it appears it's trying to start cmake-qt-gui - it probably has X.

If you log into the VM at the console, then you're owner of X so there's no problem.

-- Cinaed


On 1/29/21 10:10 AM, Gavin Jacobs wrote:
For two weeks I have been trying to build a new module/block on 3.9 without much success. You can see some of the pain here:

I finally discovered the cause of the problem and a workaround.
If you are running a remote session via xrdp, then the cmake step of gr_modtool, or building 3.9 from source, or just about any cmake involving gnuradio-runtime, will NOT work. You get error messages about a non-existent "/include" directory. 

I discovered this by accident. I was getting frustrated with trying different things, so I created a virtual machine (using VMware Player), and kept a copy of the virtual machine with just the OS installed, updated, and configured the way I like it. Then I could try different things and go back to the base if it didn't work out. Yesterday I found that I could build the 3.9 maint branch from source on the vm, without the cmake errors. I also used gr_modtool to make a trivial block, and that worked too. Encouraged by this result, I went back to the laptop via xrdp and tried it there, and got the same old errors. In desperation, I tried the procedure on the laptop directly (which is a nuisance because it is in the basement, in a cold room, and not readily accessible), and it worked! Still haven't figured out what the difference is. So now, I have a development environment in a vm. I'm hoping I can do the code/test/edit/rebuild cycle on the target machine using xrdp, but we'll see what happens.

Also, here are a few other things that I learned:
"gr_modtool add" will complain about clang-format, so install that along with the prerequisites
"gr_modtool makeyaml" is not worth the trouble, it's easier to edit the file that was created by "gr_modtool add" 
the in-tree blocks on github are not great examples for beginners, the example on the wiki is better

Hope that helps someone.

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