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Re: ANN: base/make Version 1.5.1

From: Marcel Weiher
Subject: Re: ANN: base/make Version 1.5.1
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 15:36:52 +0100

On Wednesday, November 20, 2002, at 07:25  Uhr, Adam Fedor wrote:

[lots of great stuff]

   * Better framework support in NSBundle

   * Added Thai string encodings.
[Is that cool or what?]

   * Framework support rewritten, also supports multiple names.
   * API change: Replace frameowork's xxx_TOOLS by xxx_COPY_INTO_DIR.
   * Unified link commands between libraries and frameworks
Are frameworks supported now?  The last I heard (hi Helge!), frameworks 
weren't really supported, you instead had to use either a library or a 
   * New 'make strings' target for localization support.

   * Speed improvements.
Great.  Does this include not putting tons of non-existent directories 
into the $PATH (especially on MinGW)?  Have the strange path issues on 
MinGW been addressed?   (I tried tracing, but I am afraid I am not of 
much help yet, too many elements I am unfamiliar with).


Marcel Weiher                           Metaobject Software Technologies
marcel@metaobject.com           www.metaobject.com
Metaprogramming for the Graphic Arts.   HOM, IDEAs, MetaAd etc.

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