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Re: gnustep-make and localisable resources

From: rburns
Subject: Re: gnustep-make and localisable resources
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:14:27 -0700

Thanks for the reply. I currently use myproject_RESOURCE_FILES and it works great. they do get copied into the app wrapper. But I still get a misleading error that says 'warning: XXXX.lproj not found' or something to that effect. Rob
Chris B. Vetter writes: 

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 18:08:05 -0700
rburns@softhome.net wrote:
When compiling now, you get an error saying that it can't find what
ever .lproj's that you have defined in the gnumakefile. The
directories still get copied into the app wrapper, but the error
persists. Also make strings isn't usable unless the lproj's are in the
root dir. Or is this support already there, and I'm just doing something wrong?

myproject_RESOURCE_FILES = [...] Resources/English.lproj [...] 

Works fine. 


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