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Re: GCC libobjc vs. GNUstep libobjc

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: GCC libobjc vs. GNUstep libobjc
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 17:01:59 -0700
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Alex Perez wrote:
Can someone give me a quick overview of why, exactally, it is that when
you build gnustep on win32 you must use the gnustep libobjc while under a
'real' *nix derived OS the GCC-supplied objc runtime is sufficient?

Is something terminally broken?

Maybe this is a dumb question, but do the GCC maintainers know about it?
If so, might we need to make more noise about it?

GCC's libobjc doesn't export all the functions/variables that we need. 
I'm currently trying to put together a patch for GCC that will fix this, 
but right now there seems to be some kind of bug that prevents me from 
doing this in a simple way.

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