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Re: Gorm and ProjectCenter
From: |
Gregory Casamento |
Subject: |
Re: Gorm and ProjectCenter |
Date: |
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 20:05:28 -0700 (PDT) |
Found the issue mentioned in the previous email and I am working on a fix.
The class inspector was not updating itself properly.
--- Gregory Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey Scott!!
> --- Scott Christley <schristley@mac.com> wrote:
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I've recently compiled GNUstep from cvs as well as the Gorm and
> > ProjectCenter applications. There seems to be an incompatibility
> > between the two applications. When I create an application in
> > ProjectCenter, the Gorm archive file is a single file; however, Gorm
> > itself wants to create a directory with a set of files, so it appears
> > that Gorm has upgraded its archival mechanism. Can anybody tell me if
> > there are specific versions of these apps which work together well?
> This is a current problem I've been meaning to tell Phillipe C.D. Robert
> about.
> I am currently maintaining Gorm and I noticed this problem several months
> ago.
> > Also while playing around with Gorm, I noticed a possible bug. When I
> > have a custom view, new classes that I added in the classes dialog (In
> > this case a subclass of NSView); those new classes do not show up in
> > the custom view's class inspector; i.e. I cannot change the class of
> > the custom view to my own class. Am I just doing something wrong here?
> I believe I've validated this bug. I will look into the cause. Thx.
> > thanks
> > Scott Christley
> >
> > ps: It's great to see the progress that GNUstep has made!
> Later, GJC
> =====
> Gregory John Casamento
> -- bheron on #gnustep, #linuxstep, & #gormtalk ----------------
> Please sign the petition against software patents at:
> http://www.petitiononline.com/pasp01/petition.html
> Petition to make Lighthouse Application Suite Free Software at:
> http://www.petitiononline.com/laafs/petition.html
> --- Main Developer of Gorm (featured in April Linux Journal) ---
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Gregory John Casamento
-- bheron on #gnustep, #linuxstep, & #gormtalk ----------------
Please sign the petition against software patents at:
Petition to make Lighthouse Application Suite Free Software at:
--- Main Developer of Gorm (featured in April Linux Journal) ---
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