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Re: Should the format used by NSArchiver be changed to XML?
From: |
Gregory Casamento |
Subject: |
Re: Should the format used by NSArchiver be changed to XML? |
Date: |
Sat, 19 Apr 2003 17:01:23 -0700 (PDT) |
--- Willem Rein Oudshoorn <woudshoo@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Gregory Casamento <greg_casamento@yahoo.com> writes:
> > I believe that we should examine what is being archived in each case. I
> don't
> > think that anything gnustep "specific" is really being stored. Only
> enough
> > information to recreate the class.
> Yes, but MacOSX will most likely not know what a GS*String is.
> Or any GS* class for that matter. So for this you need a higher
> level mapping to the concept "string".
True. I hadn't considered that. I suppose what would be needed is, as you
suggested earlier, a layer which would produce a "generic" representation of
all objects in the archive. :/
> > True, but by how much? Would the added flexibility be worth the sacrifice?
> About 10-50% slower I would guess.
Also true. Most archives load in a very short amount of time, so, unless
you're using a relatively slow machine, it shouldn't impact you too much.
> But what is the added flexibility?
The ability to manipulate the data outside of GNUstep.
> I think there can be added flexibility, but than you need more than
> just change the "binary" output to "xml" output.
> Wim Oudshoorn.
It seems, given the need for a layer to make output of the archive "generic",
that a framework is indicated. I was hoping for something which could be
integrated into GNUstep itself.
Thanks, GJC
Gregory John Casamento
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