Just a question...
On 2003-10-16 16:50:54 +0200 Dennis Leeuw <dleeuw@made-it.com> wrote:
I can announce the GNUstep Build Guide version 1.6.0
Dependency versions updated to the latest and the greatest
Would it be possible to move all dependencies in the BuildGuide
(http://gnustep.made-it.com/BuildGuide/index.html) at the bottom? Reason
is: "I want to install GNUstep, not make nor binutils, not even iconv,
what I do not know what it is". I think, what you need is to put a list
of required libs/tools/packages with their versions in some table, and
then immediately go to the GNUstep installation. There should be a note,
that if something goes wrong, then there should be some dependencies
problems, and the user that is installing should reffer to the
appendix/later part of the document to resolve problems.
I understand, that one needs all that stuff, but "GNUstep installation
guide" should be mainly about "GNUstep installation", not installation
of GNUstep dependecies. And the first-commer can get not very nice
impression by seeing all those stuff he must go before he gets to the
GNUstep. Installation of other packages is not important to gnustep,
even they are required. It is likely, that most of them are already
installed on users machine. Maybe a small detail, but i think it should
be very discouraging.
I would suggest following order:
- very brief note about dependecies with short dependecies table with
package name and version
- immediate GNUstep installation guide
- resolution of dependencies
Go to the GNUstep installation as soon as possible. Solve problems
later, but make user aware of possible problems and let him know where
is the solution.
Anyway, I think that the guide is great,