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Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality contr

From: Alex Perez
Subject: Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality control)
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 19:18:31 -0700

Well, I know I'm going to get bashed once again for this mail, but I
just have to ask...
Not from me...
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:41:26 -0600
Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> wrote:
I don't much care which way it goes.  I've been working on GNUstep for
over 10 years now, and I just keep going for the fun of it, not
because I have any aspirations that it will become some wildly
popular, unbeatable project. My one hope is that it will be useful
before it becomes obsolete :-)
Yes, this is a very bad thing indeed, IMHO.
Would you care to elaborate that?

I mean, you are the "project leader" of GNUstep and YOU DON'T CARE and
do not have any aspirations, but just hope it won't become obsolete?
Project leaders need to lead. With all due respect, I respect your years of service to the GNUstep community but feel that maybe we need some new blood, if, as you put it, you really "don't much care which way it goes." We need a leader. We need someone to give this project some direction. You may have done that at some point before I was around, and while you are a valuable contributor to the project, I hereby question your ability to lead this project with that kind of mentality.
Excuse me, but ... what am I missing here?
You're not the one missing anything.
Alex Perez

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