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Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality contr
From: |
Rogelio M . Serrano Jr . |
Subject: |
Re: GNUstep roadmap (was Re: [Suggestion] GNUstep-test for quality control) |
Date: |
Thu, 23 Oct 2003 19:15:34 +0800 |
On 2003-10-23 18:57:48 +0800 Chris Beaham <development@pcs-ag.com> wrote:
> On Donnerstag, Oktober 23, 2003, at 01:01 Uhr, Philip Mötteli wrote:
>> Am Mittwoch, 22.10.03, um 22:30 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Alex Perez:
>>>>>> 2. Many programs do not use AppKit. E. g. servers and Web-programs.
>>>>> I know, there is a shortage of GNUstep apps, but you gotta admit that
>>>>> a LOT of progress has been made this year!
>>>> The hugest prograss is having WOF: GDL2 and GSWeb.
>>> As a GNUstep *USER* I don't give a *damn* about GDL and GSWeb. I'm sure
>>> they're nice and all, and I know what they do, but they are useless to me,
>>> as they are to all end users. I urge you to try and not be so one-sided in
>>> your view of what is valuable in GNUstep.
>> In your eyes, what is this thread all about?
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> I give you my opinion, of what I thought this thread is about (I should
>> know, because I started it together with the other Phil, who was frustrated
>> about seeing GS still living in the shadow):
>> It's about on what I would propose to invest our time in order to bring GS
>> out of its life in the shadow.
>> From that point of view I said that things like completing the libraries
>> (on all platforms) then completing GDL2 and GSW would help much more, than
>> investing time into desktops, window-managers or distributions. Now! Later
>> we should attack these.
> Good morning All
> How did NeXT survive after abandoning it's hardware??? It leveraged it's EOF
> (previously DBkit) technology in OPENSTEP ENTERPRISE. And when that wasn't
> enough they developed WebObjects, again based on EOF. IMHO, without EOF NeXT
> would have been dead long before the OpenStep Specification was created, and
> then there wouldn't have been any GNUstep or possibly any Cocoa. Would Sun
> have been interested in NeXT without EOF? I seriously doubt it. They saw a
> great enterprise solution that also has a great desktop and not the other way
> around. NeXT patented parts of EOF for a reason, one being that know one
> else had (has) this technology. Once again, they were ahead of their time.
> I continually see discussions about desktop solutions and applications in
> this mailing list, but is anyone interested in the Enterprise and the bigger
> picture?
> IMHO, this situation is similar to that with Sun's Java. Java technology and
> not Java applications, is the only thing keeping Sun alive these days, as EOF
> kept NeXT alive back then. This indicates to me that the technology needs to
> come first because it sustains life and allows it to evolve (if done right!).
> Better and more powerful applications will be made possible if more time is
> spent in the frameworks and libraries. IMHO, this fact should also interest
> the End-User.
> Just my 2 cents
> Chris
>>> You might like what you find if
>>> you do so.
>> Would you still make this statement, now, that you know what this thread is
>> about? Then please explain.
>> Re
>> Phil
All these applications and libraries matter. GSWeb and GDL2 matters. Whats
important is to get it all together and see whats lacking or whats redundant.
I intend to do that now. Im going to hack up whats lacking from existing
software and take out what i think is redudndant .
I believe that linux can make a bigger presence on the desktop with gnustep.